
The IUPsyS’ legal venue is in Montreal Quebec, Canada, where it is registered.   

The Assembly

The legislative body of the IUPsyS is its Assembly which comprises the National Members.  An Assembly is held every two years to review the work of the IUPsyS and provide input and guidance for its future work. The President-Elect, Secretary-General, Treasurer and seven regular members of the Executive Committee are elected during the Assembly held at an International Congress of Psychology (ICP).  Three regular members of the Executive Committee are elected during the Assembly held between an ICP. Each National Member, depending upon its category of membership, is entitled to send either one or two voting delegates to the Assembly. Information on past General Assemblies.

The Executive Committee

The administrative body of the IUPsyS is its Executive Committee which is elected by the Assembly and meets face-to-face annually and electronically during the intervening period. The Executive Committee comprises the President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary-General, Treasurer, and ten Regular Members, and ex officio the Editors of the International Journal of Psychology and of the web portal Psychology Resources Around the World. The Assembly elects by secret ballot the President, President-Elect, Secretary-General, Treasurer and ten Regular Members of the Executive Committee. 

The Secretariat

The Secretariat is headed by the Secretary-General, and also comprises the Executive Officer, Administrative Officer, Administrative Assistant(s), and Consultant(s).  The Secretariat carries out the administrative functions of the IUPsyS and is the primary point of contact for information and updates

Standing Committees

There are four Standing Committees: Strategic Planning; Capacity Building, Publications; Membership  and Communications. 

Statutes, Rules of Procedure, and the Strategic Plan

Regulations about legislation and administration of the IUPsyS appear in the Statutes and Rules of Procedure. In addition, the work of the IUPsyS is guided by a Strategic Plan.

Communicating with the IUPsyS

A psychologist who wishes to bring a matter before the IUPsyS should communicate with the delegate(s) of the country in which he or she resides.  The delegates are listed for each country in the Directory of National Members.

Contact with the Union should be made via the Secretariat.