
News from the Union

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  • 2024 IUPsyS Quadrennial Awards Announcement

    Publish Date: 6 May, 2024

    The International Union of Psychological Science is pleased to announce the 2024 Quadrennial Awards Winners. Please click here for further information. IUPsyS 2024 Awards Announcement - Archbishop Desmond Tutu Achievement Against the Odds Award - Linda Smith IUPsyS 2024 Awards Announcement - Lifetime Career Award - John W...Read More

  • In Memoriam: Daniel Kahneman (1934-2024)

    Publish Date: 23 Apr, 2024

    In Memoriam: Daniel Kahneman (1934-2024) The International Union of Psychological Science and the psychological community at large deeply mourn the loss of Daniel Kahneman, who passed away March 27, 2024, aged 90. Kahneman has long been acknowledged as an eminent figure in cognitive psychology. He developed original and...Read More

  • ICP2024 Travel Scam Alert

    Publish Date: 15 Mar, 2024

    We have been advised by several colleagues from across the globe that they are receiving information from an agency called “Global Travel Services” (from this email address:, offering accommodation during ICP2024 in Prague, Czech Republic. Please note this agency is not part of any agreement with...Read More

  • Further Call for the 2024 IUPsyS Archbishop Desmond Tutu Achievement Against the Odds Award

    Publish Date: 15 Mar, 2024

    IUPsyS is pleased to announce a further Call for the 2024 IUPsyS Archbishop Desmond Tutu Achievement Against the Odds Award. Final nominations must be received by April 15, 2024. Further information will follow.   Read More

  • IUPsyS Year-end Message from IUPsyS President Gutiérrez

    Publish Date: 24 Dec, 2023

    Members of the Global Psychological Science Community, we are pleased to share the IUPsyS Year-end Message from IUPsyS President Gutiérrez. This may be read or watched online. Read More

  • IUPsyS Work Groups – Call For Nominations

    Publish Date: 8 Dec, 2023

    The International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), the global voice of psychology, hereby issues a Call for Nominations from National Members, Regional Members and Affiliates for the following Work Groups: Cross-border Psychology Services Equality in Science Global Psychology Lecture Series and...Read More

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  • 50th anniversary Psychological Association of the Philippines

    20 Aug, 2013

    A semi-centennial is an event to celebrate indeed! From modest beginnings when the first leadership of PAP was elected on January 1, 1963 the progressive vision and future trajectory of psychology in the Philippines was indelibly set. Of the 26 distinguished PAP Presidents, most have left their mark not only on...

  • IUPsyS – sponsored book published

    20 Aug, 2013

    The Developmental Science of Adolescence: History Through Autobiography is the most authoritative account of the leading developmental scientists from around the world. Written by the scholars who shaped the history they are recounting, each chapter is an engaging and personal account of the past, present, and future...

  • The 2013 Eastern Africa Regional Conference of Psychology

    9 Jul, 2013

    The Scientific and Local Organizing Committees were delighted to arrange the first Eastern Africa Regional Conference of Psychology in Uganda. The first Eastern Africa Regional Conference of Psychology brought together academic, professional, non-practicing, and student psychologists within the Eastern African Region and the...

  • Launch of Caribbean Alliance of National Psychological Associations

    4 Jul, 2013

    We are honored to announce that the Caribbean Alliance of National Psychological Associations (CANPA) was launched Wednesday, June 5th, 2013. This event was hosted by the Grenadian Psychological Association (GPA), on behalf of the Caribbean Organisation of Psychology Steering Committee (COPSC), on the True Blue Campus...

  • A Tribute to Prof Charles Spielberger

    14 Jun, 2013

    A Tribute to Charles D. Dr. Spielberger, Ph.D., ABPP For 14 Years of Service to the Society of Clinical Psychology The Society of Clinical Psychology is distinctly pleased to honor Charlie Dr. Spielberger, Ph.D., ABPP for his long, dedicated, and extraordinary service to the division. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Spielberg...

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