ARTS Seminar Participants, 1992 – 2012
Year: 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012
- 1998 Advances in Cognitive Psychology
- 2012 Analyses of Psychological Data with R
- 1992 Coping with Adverse Conditions
- 2012 Coping with the Strains of Globalization: Culturally Appropriate Methods for Research on Health and Wellbeing
- 2006 Design and Methods in Cross Cultural Psychology
- 1998 Developing Effective Health Behavior Interventions
- 2004 Development and Evaluation of Psychological Intervention in Health and Disease
- 2010 Discourse Analysis
- 1994 Early Intervention in Families and Other Settings for Infant
- 1994 Eco-Ethical Thinking from a Cross-Cultural Perspective
- 2002 Emotions and Intercultural Adjustment
- 2004 Environmental Psychology
- 1994 Human Development and Assessment
- 2000 Imaging the Structure and Function of Brain
- 1992 Life Span Development from a Cross-Cultural Perspective
- 2000 Pathways Across Development
- 2000 Psychological Test Adaptation to Diverse Cultures and Measure
- 2008 Qualitative and Mixed Method Research in Cross-Cultural Studies
- 1998 Qualitative Approaches to Cultural Psychology
- 1996 Qualitative Research Methods
- 2012 Research as Praxis: Action and Theory-Making and Application in Community Psychology
Research - 2010 Social-Cognitive Neuroscience
- 2006 Stress, Health and Well-Being in the Face of Major Trauma
- 2004 Survey Methodology
- 2010 Test Adaptation
- 2002 The Family: Culture and Psychological Functioning
- 2006 Universal and Ethnocyncratic Couple Patterns from Evolution
to Culture and from Theory to Research - 2002 Work Place Safety
Life Span Development from a Cross-Cultural Perspective
Berlin, Germany
Akande, B.E., Nigeria
Bednarski, P., Poland
Beresneviciene, D., Lithuania
Ciaccio, N. V., Egypt
Dhawan, N., India
Katona-Sallay, H., Hungary
Lin, W., Taipei
Mei, J., China
Melnikov, A.V., Russia
Nsamenang, A. B., Cameroon
Regmi, M.P., Nepal
Sahoo, F., India
Sethi, R., USA
Setiono, K., Indonesia
Shirai, T., Japan
Todorova, E., Bulgaria
To Thi Anh, Vietnam
Tzuzuki, M., Japan
Coping With Adverse Conditions
Tilburg, Netherlands
Agarwal, K.S., India
Akande, A., Unknown
Aysan, F., Unknown
Baban, A., Romania
Bimenes, M., Unknown
Favero, M.H., Unknown
Ghosh, A., Unknown
Grygielski, M., Unknown
Orintas, R., Unknown
Pandey, J., India
Savage, G., Unknown
Setiadi, B., Unknown
Todorova, I., Bulgaria
Toubiana, Y., Unknown
Human Development And Assessment
Istanbul, Turkey
Akande, D., South Africa
Baban, A., Romania
Bekman, S., Turkey
Beresneviene, D., Lithuania
Bharat, S., India
Gulerce, A., Turkey
Nsamenang, A.B., Cameroon
Nweze, A., Nigeria
Oney, B., Turkey
Sahoo, F., India
Saraswathi, T.S., India
Savasir, I., Turkey
Eco-Ethical Thinking From A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Saarbrücken, Germany
Husain, M.G., India
Niemczynski, A., Poland
Niit, T., Estonia
Olowu, A.A., Nigeria
Pandey, J., India
Setino, K., Indonesia
Singh, P., India
Suri, S., India
Varma, M., India
Verma, J., India
Zimba, R., Namibia
Qualitative Research Methods
Ottawa, Canada
Alves, M.B., Brazil
Asad, N., Pakistan
Bandawe, C., Malawi
Banerjee, M., India
Bhogle, S., India
Biswas, S. N., India
Boyadjeva, N., Bulgaria
Chanturia, K., Georgia
Fernandino, M., Sri Lanka
Gervai, J., Hungary
Gupta, India
Haq, N., Dhaka
Haus, J., Germany
Huichang Chen, China
Hutnik, N., India
Iskandar, Z., Indonesia
Jurcau, N., Unknown
Karamushka, L., Ukraine
Khaleefa, O., Sudan
Khan, H. A., India
Knezovic, Z., Croatia
Kocharyan, P. V., Ukraine
Krishnan, L., India
Kroflic, B., Slovania
Lebedeva, N., Russia
Lira, L. R., Mexico
Lysyuk, L., Belarus
Milvanyi, J. Y., Nigeria
Misra, G., India
Niebrzydowski, L., Poland
Punetha, D., India
Saraswathi, T. S., India
Setino, K., Indonesia
Shan, X., China
Singhal, S., India
Sinha, M., India
Snyder, N. S., Mexico
Song, H., China
Srivastava, A. K. India
Teffera, T., Ethiopia
Vasile, D., Romania
Vectore, C., Brazil
Vioskounsky, A., Russia
Widera-Wysoczanska, A., Poland
Early Intervention In Families And Other Settings For Infant
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Boivin, M. J., USA
Klein, P., Israel
Developing Effective Health Behavior Interventions
Bellingham, Washington, USA
Agarwal, K. S., India
Coelho, A.E.L., Brazil
Eng, B., Hong Kong
Kholi, N., India
Luna, J. R., Mexico
Maleronka, W., Brazil
Melgar, I., Philippines
Mikulic, C., Argentina
Reyes, J., Philippines
Qualitative Approaches To Cultural Psychology
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Cejka, M. Z., USA
Collado, M. E., Mexico
Dumitrascu, T., Romania
Holbrook, K., USA
Jian, M., China
Moreira, V., Chile
Nsamenang, A., Cameroon
Nwagwu, H., Nigeria
Ogunnaike, O. A., USA
Oropeza, I. D., Costa Rica
Perez, S., Switzerland
Saraswathi, T.S., India
Setiono, K., Indonesia
Sta. Maria, M., Philippines
Sto. Domingo, M., Philippines
Tchombe, T., Cameroon
Todorova, I., Bulgaria
Vijaya, Vohra, N., India
Wand, S., China
Advances In Cognitive Psychology
San Francisco, California, USA
Amado, S., Turkey
Gupta, A., India
Karandashev, V., Russia
Lenta, R., Romania
Misra, G., India
Negru, D., Romania
Sen, A., India
Imaging The Structure And Function Of The Brain
Lund, Sweden
Akande, D., South Africa
Al-Eithan, M., Saudi Arabia
Andershed, H., Sweden
Berglund, E., Sweden
Gomez, J. D., Colombia
Hui, Y., China
Ittyerah, M., India
Juo, J., Japan
Kiss, S., Hungary
Klucharev, V., Russia
Li, J., China
Melgar, M. I., Philippines
Pei, S., China
Poljanwek, A., Slovenia
Repovx, G., Slovenia
Rosin, F., Argentina
Sesok, S., Slovenia
Soderlund, H., Sweden
Sylwan, R. P., Argentina
Wahlin, T. R., Sweden
Wang, C., China
Psychological Test Adaptation To Diverse Cultures And Measure
Stockholm, Sweden
Baguma, P., Uganda
Bhattacharya, T., India
Callueng, C. M., Philippines
Dinca, M., Romania
Donoso, F., Chile
Fernandez, A. L., Argentina
Gonggu, Y., China
Javakhishvili, N., Georgia
Khaleefa, O., Bahrain
Krishna, A., India
Mogaji, A. A., Nigeria
Mpofu, E., Zimbabwe
Singh-Sengupta, S., India
Vinet, E., Chile
Yupitov, A., Russia
Zhang, W., China
Pathways Across Development
Stockholm, Sweden
Aguiling-Dalisay, G., Philippines
Ce Toro, M. S., Cuba
Degirmencioglu, S. M., Turkey
Dulcey-Ruiz, E., Colombia
Dumitrascu, T., Romania
Javier, R., Philippines
Lordelo, E. R., Brazil
Mansour, M., Iran
Rosabal-Coto, M., Costa Rica
Shmeleva, I., Russia
Xingyuan, S., China
Workplace Safety, System Safety And Psychology
Singapore, July.
Achodor, G., O.C., Nigeria
Auande, W. W., South Africa
Behera, P., India
Dannatt, B., Australia
Li, Y., P.R. China
Nujoma, B., Namibia
Osmany, M., India
Perez-Floriano, L., Mexico
Sharma, N., India
Sinha, R. B. N., India
Srivastava, K., India
Swati, S., India
Wu, M., Singapore
Emotion And Intercultural Adjustment
Aande, W., South Africa
Joshi, R., India
Khan, W., India
L. S. S., India
Manas, M. M., India
Meena, S., India
Mendoza, R., Philippines
Osagie, J., Swaziland
Reyes, M., Philippines
Siddiqui, R., India
Uddin, K., Bangladesh
Vargas, L., Colombia
Wahyu Yuniarty, K., Indonesia
Wu, R., China
The Family: Culture And Psychological Functioning
Adetoun, B., Nigeria
Bhatia, S., India
Feroz, R., Pakistan
Juarez Hernandez, C., Mexico
Kumaraswamy, N., Malaysia
Pavlenko, V. M., Ukraine
Saaiman, C., South Africa
Sanyal, N., India
Shee, S. C., Thailand
Teferra, T., Ethiopia
Verma, J., India
Viet Thang, M. T., Vietnam
Vizcarra Larranaga, M. B., Chile
Environmental Psychology In Developing Countries
Xi’an, China
Adewale, A., Swaziland
Alrai, I. S., Pakistan
Bhattacharya, S., India
Jebelli, N., Iran
Li, J., China
Rishi, P., India
Tripathi, N., India
Tserere, M., South Africa
Yi, C., China
Yi, L., China
Development And Evaluation Of Psychological Interventions In Health And Disease
Beijing, China
Agha, S., Pakistan
Batacharya, T., India
Dadkhah, A., Iran
Ekore, J., Nigeria
Ibeagha, P., Nigeria
Khan, H., Yemen
Kohli, N., India
Mumah, S., Kenya
Owens, V., Uganda
Sud, S., India
Vinayak, S., India
Survey Research Methods
Beijing, China
Akandd, A., Africa
Arciniega, L., Mexico
Das Swain, R., India
Lu, J., Philippines
Padakannaya, P., India
Parekh, S., Asia
Schulmeyer, M., Bolivia
Srisayekti, W., Indonesia
Wang, Q., China
Yi, C., China
Design And Methods In Cross Cultural Psychology
Athens, July 14-16, 2006.
Convener: Fons van de Vijver
Amina Abubakar, Kenya
Said Aldhafri, Oman
Allan Bernardo, Philippines
Pooja Bhargava, India
Arief Liem, Singapore
Stefan Lita, Romania
Minati Panda, India
Divya Sharma, India
Po Li Tan, Malaysia
Mila Tuli, India
Stress, Health And Well-Being In The Face Of Major Trauma
Athens, July 21-23, 2006.
Convener: Stevan Hobfoll
Esther Akinsola, Nigeria
Brett Bowman, South Africa
Kotta Chandraiah, India
Rosnah Ismail, Malaysia
Waheeda Khan, India
Magdeline Makguata, Madagascar
Andreea Mihalcea, Romania
Solomon Mumah, Kenya
Kumarasamwy Narasappa, Brunei
Hamid Pouretemad, Iran
Jose Alberto Reyes, Phillipines
Jenny Setiawan, Indonesia
Komilla Thapa, India
Seema Vinayak, India
Universal And Ethnocyncratic Couple Patterns From Evolution To Culture And From Theory To Research
Spetses, July 8-10, 2006.
Convener: Rolando Diaz-Loving
Debowah Ale, Lesoto
Anjali Ghosh, India
Elemi Hernandez, Mexico
Anshula Krishna, India
Suresh Parekh, India
Deepa Dwijendra Punetha, India
Elaine Rabinovich, Brazil
Susana Robles Montijo, Mexico
Tholone Sodi, South Africa
Beatriz Vizcarra, Chile
Maria Thereza Waisberg, Brazil
Qualitative And Mixed Method Research In Cross-Cultural Studies
Bremen, Germany; August 1-3, 2008.
Convener: Thomas S. Weisner, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Rachana Bhangaokar, India
Pooja Bhargava, India
Maria Bringas, Cuba
Deepa Gupta, India
Julita Eleni Hernandez, Mexico
Manasi Kumar, UK (India)
Narasappa Kumaraswamy, Malaysia
Luna Hernandez, Mexico
ANdrew Mogaji, Nigeria
Solomon Mumah, Kenya
Minati Panda, India
Shashi Shukla, India
Alexey Ulanvosky, Russia
Adrian Wojcik, Poland
Melbourne, Australia; July 4-6, 2010.
Conveners: Shihui Han, Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China; Yina Ma, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Psychology, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China
Akinsola, Esther |
Nigeria |
Feng, Xiaohang |
China |
Hakami, Mohammad |
Iran |
Joshi, Renuka |
India |
Lin, Xiongbiao |
China |
Nurachy, Firmanto Adi |
Indonesia |
Osagie, Joe |
Nigeria |
Quezada, ARiel |
Chila |
Rajezi, Sepideh |
Iran |
Terol, Eden H. |
Philippines |
Wong, Meiling |
Taiwan |
Xue, Yunzhen |
China |
Yu, Angela A. |
Philippines |
Zhang, Liang |
China |
Test Adaptation
Melbourne, Australia; July 9-11, 2010.
Conveners: Barbara Byrne, Professor Emeritus, School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada; Ronald Hambleton, Distinguished University Professor, School of Education, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA; Dragos Iliescu, Professor of Psychology, University SNSPA at Bucharest, Romania; Thomas Oakland, Professor, College of Education, University of Florida, USA
Aldhafri, Said |
Oman |
Alghora, Mohammad |
Syria |
Ari, Widyanti |
Indonesia |
Berrío, Angela |
Colombia |
Chen, Chien An |
Taiwan |
Filus, Ania |
Poland |
Hapunda, Given |
Zambia |
Kohli, Neena |
India |
Li, Xueyan |
China |
Ntinda, Kayi |
Zambia |
Nune, Carlos Henrique |
Brazil |
Rana, Neeti |
India |
Ratanadilok, Kattiya |
Thailand |
Reyes, Glody |
Philippines |
Sircova, Anna |
Latvia |
Discourse Analysis
Melbourne, Australia; July 10-11, 2010.
Convener: Carolin Demuth, Culture & Development, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
Baradwaj, Ishita |
India |
Behl, Upasna |
India |
Brokvina, Yulia |
Russia |
Datta, Preeti |
india |
Kenmegne |
Cameroon |
King, Ronnel |
Philippines |
Mahama, Sheriffa |
Ghana |
Panda, Minati |
India |
Purba, Debora Eflina |
Indonesia |
Ramos, Ruffino III |
Philippines |
Rosemary, Kato |
Nigeria |
Selymes, Orsolya |
Hungary |
Verma, Sunil |
India |
Xu, Hui |
China |
Yan, Wenhua |
China |
Coping With The Strains Of Globalization: Culturally Appropriate Methods For Research On Health And Wellbeing
Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 18-19, 2012.
Convener: Sonia Suchday, Yeshiva University, US and Oscar Barbarin,Tulane University, US
Ahammed, Shaima |
United Arab Emirates |
İlden Koçkar, Aylin |
Turkey |
Jiang, Li |
China |
Johnston, Emma |
South Africa |
Khan, Aqeel |
Malaysia |
Manalastas, Eric |
Philippines |
Mateo, Niño Jose |
Philippines |
Mukherjee, Tilottama |
India |
Mweru, Maureen |
Kenya |
Osafo, Joseph |
Ghana |
Padmanabhanunni, Anita |
South Africa |
Pradhan, Rabindra Kumar |
India |
Reyes Saborit, Aymara |
Cuba |
Sari, Ayu Riana |
Indonesia |
Timofti, Iulia |
Romania |
Analyses Of Psychological Data With R
Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 18-19, 2012.
Convener: Reinhold Kliegl, University of Potsdam, Germany.
Ayinde, Adeboye Titus |
Nigeria |
Beets, Soretha |
South Africa |
de Paula Couto, Maria Clara |
Brazil |
Eremsoy, Cemile Ekin |
Turkey |
Fourie, Melike |
South Africa |
Hapunda, Given |
Zambia |
Kumar, Sandeep |
India |
Merino Soto, Cesar |
Peru |
Mesurado, María Belén |
Argentina |
Panda, Amrita |
India |
Singh, Tushar |
India |
Suwartono, Christiany |
Indonesia |
Vidmar, Maša |
Slovenia |
Zhang, Jie-ting |
China |
Research As Praxis: Action And Theory-Making And Application In Community Psychology Research
Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 16-17, 2012.
Convener: Mohamed Seedat, University of South Africa and Sandy Lazarus, MRC-UNISA Safety and Peace Promotion Research Unit, South Africa
Anwar, Jasim |
Pakistan |
Bekoe, Adolf Awuku |
Ghana |
Chigeza, Shingairai |
Zimbabwe |
Graham, Tanya |
South Africa |
Hershberg, Rachel |
Karakus, Pelin |
Turkey |
Kramer, Sherianne |
South Africa |
Kyei, Joana |
Ghana |
Majumdar, Sramana |
India |
Nasroen, Reysa Aretha |
Indonesia |
Ng, Eddie |
Hong Kong |
Niculaes, Ana |
Moldova |
Nuwagaba, Racheal Daphine |
Uganda |
Oţoiu, Cătălina |
Romania |
Satpathy, Maheswar |
India |