Amanda Clinton, M.Ed., Ph.D., is the Senior Director for the Office of International Affairs at the American Psychological Association (APA). Prior to joining the APA, Dr Clinton served as Professor of Psychology at the University of Puerto Rico where she specialized in cultural adaptation, early childhood, social-emotional development, and the neuropsychology of bilingualism. Dr Clinton is a licensed psychologist and a credentialed school psychologist with experience in community clinics, pediatric hospitals, public schools, academic settings, and public policy. Dr. Clinton completed an APA/AAAS Congressional Fellowship in the office of Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) where she helped write the Mental Health Reform Act of 2016 (passed as 21st Century Cures). Dr Clinton’s scholarly work includes publication of the text, “Integrated Assessment of the Bilingual Child,” and numerous peer-reviewed papers and book chapters, as well as Associate Editorship of both the Journal of Educational and Consulting Psychology (JEPC) and the Interamerican Journal of Psychology. Dr Clinton has won several prestigious awards, including a Fulbright Scholarship and SPSSI Educator/Mentor of the Year. Dr Clinton earned her master’s degree at the University of Washington and her doctoral degree at the University of Georgia.