An important function of IUPsyS is participation in major global scientific organizations and International agencies.
Global Science Organizations
IUPsyS is an adhering member to the International Science Council (ISC). The ISC was created in 2018 as the result of a merger between the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Social Science Council (ISSC). It is the only international non-governmental organization bringing together the natural and social sciences and the largest global science organization of its type.
Global Agencies
IUPsyS has informational and consultative relations with UNESCO. at the “category A” level; this acknowledges the effective contributions of the Union to the implementation of UNESCO’s program. The Union cooperates with UNESCO on a variety of projects of mutual interest.
IUPsyS has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council – ECOSOC.
IUPsyS has special consultative status with the World Health Organization (WHO), Mental Disorders branch. As part of this consultative status, IUPsyS has provided to the WHO (with funding from the American Psychological Association) a senior staff person for the core team for the revision of the International Classification of Disease.